Channel: Bad Books, Good Times
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Trigger Warning Chapter 16: Jake DOESN’T Get In A Fight, Makes A Black Friend

The Mister Prologue & Chapter 1: Meet Maxim! The British Christian Grey!

The Mister Chapter 2: It’s An Alessia Chapter!


Previously, E.L. James wrote a new book, which I honestly never thought she’d bother to do. Of course, “new” is surprisingly up for debate. As has been pointed out by others by now, 1) the characters and plot are pretty similar to Fifty Shades of Grey, and 2) the characters and plot are pretty similar […]

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Sorry guys, Matt and I have both been caught up in RL things again. We should be back with you next with or the week after with more THE MISTER WACKY TIMES!

The post BRB appeared first on Bad Books, Good Times.

Trigger Warning Chapter 17: Date Night!


Surprise! It’s a Trigger Warning post! I know, we’re only two chapters into The Mister and immediately took two weeks off and that’s a little jarring, but what happened was 1) Ariel moved, I started a new job, and I’m also going to move this summer, so we’re a little busy IRL, and 2) nothing […]

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The Mister Chapter 3 Summary: Maxim Takes Another Woman Home and Whines Some More

The Mister Chapter 4: When Mister Met Daily


Previously in E.L. James’s The Mister, Maxim had a one-night stand in celebration of Let’s Fuck Thursday. Imagine how boring the last chapter would have been if we caught him on Let’s Hang Out With My Friends This Time Monday or I Just Feel Like Staying In And Playing Fortnite Wednesday. The Mister: Chapter 4 […]

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The Mister Chapter 5 Summary: They’re Already Obsessed With Each Other

The Mister Chapter 6: Maxim Discovers Alessia Plays Piano, Touches Her Face


Previously, Maxim and Alessia longed for each other. Speaking of longing, get ready for another chapter that’s lo– hits the backspace key furiously Previously, everyone was hopelessly horny. Maxim and Alessia experienced an amount of sexual tension impressively disproportionate to the amount of interaction they’ve had with each other, which has consisted of 1) saying […]

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The Mister Chapter 7 Summary: Wait…Is ALESSIA The Creepy One????



Hello friends! Matthew is moving next weekend and has spent the last [insert some amount of time here, time has lost meaning] packing, and Ariel adopted a new pet, so we got too busy to write new posts this week! We might be back with more The Mister next week, depending on how badly Matthew […]

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The Mister Chapter 8: They Kiss* (*This Time They’re Both Awake)

The Mister Review, Chapter 9: HOW DO I GET YOU ALONEEEEEE??


Previously on The Mister Alessia and Maxim kiss, but THEN two mysterious men show up looking for Alessia. The Mister Chapter 9: Alessia hides outside and panics because she recognizes these men. So it turns out these guys likely have nothing to do with immigration, but with the mysterious man from Alessia’s past who she’s […]

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The Mister Chapter 10: Car Talk


Previously, Alessia tells Maxim that she was a victim of sex trafficking, escaped, is now in the country illegally, and that’s why there are men after her. Maxim decides he’s going to help and offers to take her to a safe location. From the criminals who are trying to reclaim one of their victims who […]

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The Mister Review, Chapter 11: Maxim Praises Himself for Not Ravishing a Vulnerable Alessia

The Mister Chapter 12: THE SEA! The Sea! ThE sEa tHe SeA tHe S

The Mister Chapter 13 Summary: Meet Megan, the Hero of the Story


Previously, Alessia saw the sea and was overjoyed. Maxim and Alessia also shared a bed to ward off her nightmares. They still manage to have no chemistry, but don’t you worry, that’s never stopped James’ characters before! The Mister Chapter 13: As they stroll along the sea together, Maxim tells Alessia about Kit and impressively […]

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Hello, readers! I had a surprisingly busy week wrapping up some moving logistics. Blog posts will be back next week! Next The Mister chapter is a big one, so get… as excited as you can get for The Mister.

The post whoops! appeared first on Bad Books, Good Times.

The Mister Chapter 14: They Start F***ing In This One


I gave this post that title just for all you guys who just wanted to know when the sex scenes finally start in E.L. James’s new novel. You’re welcome, perverts. Previously, the world’s most inept sex traffickers (real words I’m writing on this blog!) have inexplicably driven Maxim and Alessia into hiding at one of […]

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The Mister Chapter 15 Summary: Maxim and Alessia Get Cosy

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