You’ve seen and answered a seemingly endless parade of polls, and for that we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. An overwhelming majority of you were all about us reading Life and Death (aka the gender-swapped Twilight).
Even though we swore we’d never read Twilight, technically we’re not going back on our word because it has a different title. Please let us have this one thing, we are conflicted enough as it is. [Matthew says: If you’re upset that we’re trying to get off on a technicality, do take some comfort in knowing that it’s not like we’re not suffering for doing so, because we’re reading Twilight.]
Bearing that in mind, it probably won’t surprise you too much that we don’t want to read this chapter by endless chapter until the end of time (or spring, whatever). We’re going to start out chapter-by-chapter to get a feel for the book, but our goal is to be done by the new year. What an exciting and thrilling adventure it will be to see how we go about achieving that. [Matthew says: So this upcoming week we’re reading two chapters per post, and then by late November we’ll probably be desperately skimming through what I assume will be hundreds and hundreds of pages of Act II.]
A lot of people voted for us to read the original Twilight alongside Life and Death. Though on the surface, this seems like a cool and interesting idea, it actually would be a pretty big waste of time until things actually change within the story. [Matthew says: Apparently there’s a much-discussed completely different ending. We’ll be judging the “ending” part AND the “completely” part.] I’ve been reading the first chapter side-by-side and honestly a few word choices are different so far, and while that’s kind of interesting and I’ll discuss it [Matthew says: I took MANY NOTES then realized I was only on page 2], we’re not going to waste time summarizing the plot the same exact book and quoting the same exact lines in two separate posts. We’ll totally compare the two as we go along, but again, no dedicated chapters to Twilight.
Also, despite the fact that we are at risk of vampire/vamypre overload, we’re going to go ahead and start the next House of Night given people were like, “HELL YEAH START THE NEXT ONE.” We’re still planning on doing Left Behind and potentially Maze Runner in the future, so all hope is not lost for those of you who voted for those. [Matthew says: We can debate which book has WORSE vampires! I assume you’re already more terrified than you were during the entirety of Chicken, Chicken.]
Tagged: books, Comedy, Funny, House of Night, Humor, life and death, reading, twilight, writing