Aw man, you guys, I’ve been dreading writing this post all week. At the end of the last chapter, I was actually kind of intrigued so I read on, and boy, was I unhappy I did. There is so much wrong with this chapter, you’re probably not going to believe your eyes. So run away or read on for…
Chapter 21
Last chapter, Eva found out or assumed (still not quite sure) that Gideon had left Eva at this one party/right after they first had sex–this happened so many freaking chapters ago, ug–to meet up with Corinne (his ex-fiance). Now, she finds him at the current party they’re at to tell him she’s leaving.
Yup. You (probably) guessed it, he tells her she needs to be fucked.
“Who’s ridiculous? What about Daniel, the personal trainer? Or Martin, a member of my stepfamily?” I leaned closer and whispered, “I’ve never fucked either of them, let alone agreed to a marriage! I sure as hell don’t talk to them every damn day!”
Abruptly, he caught me by the waist and hauled me up tight against him. “You need to be fucked now,” he hissed in my ear, nipping the lobe with his teeth. “I shouldn’t have made us wait.”
Man, it’s like Eva missed taking her meds or something. It’s like sex is some sort of anti-crazy pill for Eva. I’m so glad she has Gideon’s penis to keep her from getting ridiculous! If only her vagina had the same effect on Gideon.
Gideon ignores all of Eva’s legitimate concerns, gets her into the limo, and orders his driver to drive around the block until he tells him to stop. I’d feel so weird being that driver, knowing these two people were just fucking in the back while I went around in circles. At least he’s getting paid, I guess. So then Gideon’s like, “We’re going to fuck as long as it takes!” For the good of the world!!
And instead of finding this to be an issue, Eva’s like, “He knows just what I need!”
Here’s some of the very sexy sex:
“Ah, God. Eva.” With a serrated groan, he erupted violently, flooding me with his heat. Pinning my hips, he ground against me, emptying himself as deep in me as he could get.
As I was reading that, a commercial mentioning words like “diarrhea” and “vomiting” came on, and I was so much less disgusted by the commercial. I just really hate “erupted violently.” In fact, I violently hate it. The hate that is coming out of me is erupting.
They go back to the party, and though Gideon doesn’t leave Eva’s side and holds her hand all throughout dinner (which seems impractical, if you ask me), he talks to Corinne for all of dinner and ignores Eva. The dude who’s sitting next to Eva points this out and asks Eva to come to the bar with him. Eva, to piss Gideon off, agrees. Turns out this dude and Gideon have tension between them (for no reason), and apparently Gideon didn’t notice this guy, Terry, was just sitting two seats down from him the whole time. Guess you shoulda been more observant instead of all up on that other lady, Gideon.
Gideon basically orders Eva not to go with Terry, and Terry actually becomes the voice of reason and my new favorite character. Well, the only character who I remotely like.
Terry’s gaze moved to my face. “You don’t have to tolerate him talking to you that way. All the money in the world doesn’t give anyone the right to order you around.”
Word, Terry. Word.
Eva can’t handle the truth, though, so she bails and heads home…to find an ORGY HAPPENING IN HER LIVING ROOM! Seriously, Cary, you are fucking the worst. Thank god my roommates never pull this sort of crap on me.
Day, of course, shows her literary prowess and handles this scene with grace.
There were so many body parts involved, I had time to hastily slam the door behind me before I pieced them all together. One woman was spread-eagled on the floor. Another woman’s face was in her crotch. Cary was banging the hell out of her while another man was drilling him in the ass.
Oh, man, that’s so hot. Oh, wait, no I just forgot to turn my fan on in my living room and it’s still like 80 degrees outside. Seriously, Jesus fuck it is warm in this house. Oh, and this scene is terrible. The worst part is that it probably thinks it’s being daring and shocking and exciting. But I’m more concerned about cooling my living room down, yawn.
So Cary invites Eva to join, and the dude who was apparently banging (the hell out of?) Cary walks over and tries to get with Eva. ONLY TO GET GIDEON!PUNCHED INTO THE COUCH!!
Eva, rightfully, tells Cary to take it to his bedroom, and he’s like, “You’re not my mom.” Um…no. She is your roommate. Who has a right to sit in her living room without an orgy going on. I feel like that’s not what a mother’s reaction would be, but if Cary believes that, I guess I should start feeling sorry for him rather than judge him cruelly.
So Eva and Gideon fight about Corinne, but Gideon still doesn’t actually address the real issues. He just keeps saying Eva’s the one he’s with and he barely said goodbye to Corinne because he was going after Eva. I’m sorry, but that still explains nothing, Gideon! Then he tells Eva he loves her, even though why he won’t acknowledge the fact that he really was ignoring her all through dinner or address her concerns.
Actually he does explain one thing:
“When Corinne called during the advocacy dinner, it was the perfect time to make me do something stupid.” His gaze was soft and warm on my tear-streaked face. “You and I had just made love, and I wasn’t thinking clearly. I told her I was busy and that I was with someone, and when I heard the pain in her voice, I knew I had to deal with her so I could move forward with you.”
Okay, fair dos, but still. Why didn’t you tell Eva about her in the first place? I mean, he made such a big deal of the fact that Eva was his first truly consensual, loving experience and his first real relationship. He does explain, though, he thought Corinne was really nice, he thought maybe he did love her (because he didn’t know what love really was until Eva OMG) so he accepted Corinne’s proposal (OMG SO FORWARD THINKING).
He moved his attention to my other eye, cleaning away the black streaks. “I think she was hoping that being engaged would take us to a different level. Maybe I’d open up more. Maybe we’d stay the night at the hotel—which she thought was romantic, by the way—instead of calling it an early night because of classes in the morning. I don’t know.”
What is it with people in these books thinking engagement and marriage will fix problems in their relationship instead of, you know, working on the problems themselves? Ana and Christian keep acting like their marriage was a good idea and going to make them both believe in their tru wuv but it hasn’t done shit. And Corinne seriously wasn’t weirded out that they always had sex in this one hotel room? Okay.
Anyway, he was relieved when Corinne broke off the engagement, and I’m relieved this chapter is over! Yay! I’m just happy they didn’t have sex again to fix their problems. I couldn’t handle more eruptions.